
Counter Statement to the Websites |

Dear Sir or Madam,

Should you come across the websites and, operated by Mario Bartelt, Camino Los Gomez 31, 38300 La Orotava/Spain, we would like to make the following counter statement as a precautionary measure:
Moser Progenus AG have never had any contractual relations with Mr. Bartelt, and have never received any heir locator fee from Mr. Bartelt either. Mr. Bartelt was located by another heir locator company and signed a fee agreement with them on a percentage basis, which is common practice among reputable heir locator firms.
Due to the fact that he was located as a heir, he received at least approx. € 54,000.00 according to our knowledge. Mr. Bartelt has thus availed himself of the successful services of a heir locator company, without which he would not have benefited from the inheritance. Nevertheless, he speaks about the services provided by heir locator companies in an insulting and defamatory manner.
If you take the time to read the websites in detail, you will realise that Mr. Bartelt is a troublemaker, who ‘agitates’ against everyone and everything, be it heir locator companies in general or Moser Progenus AG in particular, curators of estates, probate courts, law enforcement officers, etc.
It is extremely difficult to take legal action, as Mr. Bartelt is no longer registered in Stuttgart/Germany but now resides on the Spanish island of Tenerife (presumably due to the inheritance he received). This in turn means, that we would have to sue Mr. Bartelt in a Spanish court.
It is well known that the Internet is more or less a legal vacuum of sorts, which unfortunately enough not much can be done about. For example, there has been a steady rise in cybercrime, whereby the possibilities to stop this are very limited.
Mr. Bartelt deliberately uses our company name „Progenus“, so that anyone looking for us on the Internet will automatically be directed to his website.
We do, however, assume that when reading these websites you will realise that Mr. Bartelt’s approach is highly non-juridical and insulting. In view of the size of these two websites, we refrain from responding to these false allegations and insults in detail.

We would like to point out that Mr. Bartelt lodged complaints with the then President of Court and the Berlin Senator for Justice in the past, and also filed several charges with the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office. Needless to say, all these complaints and charges were unsuccessful, and were not even forwarded to us for comment.
Mr. Bartelt himself did illustrate this fact on his websites. However, since he constantly changes the contents of these websites, he has rather tellingly deleted these statements, as they ultimately served as proof of his querulous behaviour.
As you can see from Mr. Bartelt’s websites, the curator of estates, Mr. Peter Dörr, lawyer and notary public, is also a target of Mr. Bartelt’s accusations on the Internet. It is fair to assume that this is due to the fact that he lost a case against Mr. Dörr. By clicking on this link  you will find the respective verdict by the Berlin District Court of 10 April 2008. As the Berlin District Court dismissed the case, Mr. Bartelt endeavours to vilify the parties concerned on the Internet.

This verdict should prove to all readers of Mr. Bartelt’s website that his accusations are unfounded.
We have long pondered the question as to whether it is necessary to react to these websites at all, but wish to avoid any confusion. Obviously, anyone receiving a letter from us with the information that he/she is a heir will find himself/herself in a rather unusual situation. Mr. Bartelt’s websites could add to the confusion.
Should you have questions regarding these websites, please do not hesitate to contact us. In this case, kindly give us your name and the reference number of our letter. We will be pleased to let you have our detailed comments.
By clicking on this link, you will find a selection of letters from several heirs thanking us for our services. Obviously, we cannot reveal their full names for reasons of data protection. Needless to say, we would not receive such thank you letters if we acted in a way as alleged by Mr. Bartelt.
Of course, any heir located by us can also visit our office in Weggis, in which case we would ask to kindly make an appointment first.

Yours faithfully,
Moser Progenus AG Team